1. Application area
Port-prince.de is the website belonging to the production and distribution companies Port au Prince Pictures GmbH and Port Prince Film & Kultur GmbH. On our website, you may digitally rent selected feature film and documentary productions from our company or find out more about our productions and our distributional titles. This website is operated by:
Port au Prince Film & Kultur Produktion GmbH
CEO: Jan Krüger
Holzmarktstraße 25 10243 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 319 554 12 Fax: +49 30 319 554 13
Mail: info@port-prince.de
HRB 113661 B Amtsgericht Berlin UST ID DE 260135475
Port au Prince Pictures GmbH
CEO: Jan Krüger
Holzmarktstraße 25 10243 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 319 555 14 Fax: +49 30 319 554 13
Mail: pictures@port-prince.de
HRB 142861 B Amtsgericht Berlin UST ID DE 283785588
Supported by the streaming service:
notsold GmbH
Pastorenstraße 16
20459 Hamburg (Germany)
The usage of our websites content and offers on port-prince.de is subject to the validity of these GTC (as of 01.12.2021).
Deviating GTC do not apply.
2. Fee-based film rental
port-prince.de can be accessed online. Accessing the individual pages does not necessarily require a registration. However, should you wish to watch films for which a fee is charged, you will have to enter your email address (solely for sending the purchase confirmation) and select your desired payment method. This service is powered by notsold – streaming service and linked on our site. Read more:
We offer our films as individual downloads:
On port-prince.de, users may purchase videos in the available format (hereinafter also referred to as “titles”). The titles are transmitted to the user exclusively by digital means for temporary retrieval by way of streaming (“lending” the film). Titles acquired and rented by users on demand (stream) may be viewed by the user as often as they wish within 48 hours.
The process of digital rental of our titles by the user can and may only take place in legally released areas of the respective titles via an IP number suitable for this area.
Please note that we cannot offer the original version or English subtitles for every title. The language version that is available and that you have selected can be checked in the last step of your order.
The presentation of titles at port-prince.de does not constitute a binding offer. The order by the user (by clicking the corresponding button) represents a binding offer according to §145 BGB towards notsold. This can be accepted by notsold and Port au Prince. With the acceptance, a contract for the purchase of the desired title is concluded between the user and notsold. Each individual purchase of a film paid for represents a separate conclusion of contract.
3. Withdrawal
By clicking the “Rent Now” button, you will be granted immediate access to the port-prince.de services via notsold and allow you to stream and watch the selected films. By enabling immediate access to the films, Port au Prince has fulfilled its primary contractual obligation and you acknowledge that you have thereby lost your right of withdrawal. However, this does not affect any warranty rights or your right to make a complaint. To do so, please contact our support team immediately at support@filmticket.online // or read here:https://notsold.gratis/agb/
4. Payment
The user is obliged to pay the fees caused by the user. This shall also apply in the event of improper use, unless the user proves that he/she is not responsible for any breach of duty.
5. User obligations
The usage of the VoD service requires an internet connection of the customer (supplied by any provider). A DSL broadband internet connection with at least 2,000 kbit/s download speed and a flat rate tariff is recommended. Bandwidths below this recommendation may cause waiting times or interruptions. Depending on the Internet connection used, additional costs may occur when using VoD offers, depending on the provider and tariff, especially in the case of time or volume tariffs, which will be charged by the Internet provider.
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that his or her end device meets the necessary system requirements for playing the videos and that the internet connection has the necessary speed.
6. Rights of use
The titles made available to the user by Port au Prince on port-prince.de via Notsold are legally protected, in particular by copyright and ancillary copyright. With the conclusion of a contract with Notsold, Port au Prince grants the user a private right of use, i.e. the non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable right to view the purchased title via the Internet as a stream.
Commercial use of the purchased titles is strictly prohibited. The customer is not allowed to misuse port-prince.de. The customer is allowed to use the retrieved content exclusively for private screenings for non-commercial purposes. He may not publicly present, make publicly available, broadcast, edit, reproduce, distribute, publicly reproduce, advertise or support such uses of the retrieved content or use it in any other way outside the contractually defined purpose. The customer may only use the retrieved content in compliance with national and international copyright law within the scope of the rights of use granted by this contract and may not reproduce the content; the customer may not remove or change copyright and property right notices for the content. The customer shall protect the content from any use by unauthorized persons and from any other misuse. The customer may only present, have presented or otherwise make available to children or young people content which has been approved for the respective age group.
Streamed films may not be copied by the user. To protect against illegal copying, the streams are therefore protected by appropriate protective measures. Circumvention of these protective measures is not permitted and may result in criminal prosecution.
7. Violations
In the event of significant breaches of the obligations incumbent upon the user, Port au Prince and/or Notsold is entitled to block the user with immediate effect and/or to exclude the user from the provided services.
Port au Prince / notsold will inform the user of the reason for the blockage and/or exclusion. The blockage and/or exclusion shall continue until the breach has been remedied and/or the user has provided credible evidence that he/she will refrain from future breaches of duty. In the event of justified suspicions of a significant breach of duty, Port au Prince is also entitled to take legal action.
Port au Prince/ notsold is not liable for damages resulting from a breach of duty for which the user is responsible and which could have been prevented if the duties had been observed.
In the event of a violation of the rights of third parties for which the user is responsible, the user shall be directly liable to such third parties. In the event of justified claims by third parties due to such an infringement, the user is obliged to indemnify Port au Prince / notsold, unless he can prove that he or she is not responsible for the breach of duty that caused the damage.
8. Privacy
Port-prince.de / notsold is subject to the German Data Protection Act. You can find more detailed explanations on data protection in our Privacy Policy – https://notsold.gratis/datenschutz/
9. Warranty / Liability
By providing performance data or other descriptions of port-prince.de’s services, Port au Prince does not guarantee the quality of port-prince.de’s services. This applies in particular to the quality of the films, which may vary depending on the source material received by port-prince.de (e.g. due to poor scanning of an original film reel)
10. CTC-Changes
Port au Prince reserves the right to amend the T&Cs from time to time. These changes will take effect immediately.
11. Other provisions / assumption of contract
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
Should individual contractual conditions of these GTC be or become invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining contractual conditions.